Visit Arctic Europe in English


Visit Arctic Europe II

The second phase of the awarded Interreg Nord project Visit Arctic Europe II will continue until 30.9.2022.

Visit Arctic Europe II
Budget: 6,4 M€
Schedule: until 30.9.2022
Financiers: Interreg Nord
Regional Council of Lapland, Region Norrbotten, Innovation Norway, Finnmarks fylkeskommune, Troms fylkeskommune, Nordic Council of Ministers
Participants: 120 companies from Finland, Sweden and Norway

Project partners are Finnish Lapland Tourist BoardSwedish Lapland Visitors Board and Northern Norway Tourist Board together with 120 companies in the tourism industry all over the Arctic region participating in the project, an increase of thirty companies compared to previous project phase of Visit Arctic Europe.

Over 70,000 new travellers to the region.

Visit Arctic Europe created in its first phase (2015 – 2018) groundbreaking cross-border collaboration in tourism sector among participating companies and organisations as well as destinations and resellers in the travel industry. This rendered over 70,000 new travellers to the region and 516 000 new bednights.
Thanks to a successful collaboration Visit Arctic Europe was in November awarded ”The Arctic Award” in the category ”Overcoming Critical Mass” set up by Arctic Cooperation.

– We are very proud to be able to fund Visit Arctic Europe II, which in my opinion is a unique cross-border cooperation project. The continued cooperation between the countries means that the Visit Arctic Europe area becomes a competitive, sustainable visiting destination all year round, says Iiris Mäntyranta, Programme Director of Interreg Nord

The main purpose of Visit Arctic Europe’s second project phase is to continue the cross-border work to develop Finnish Lapland, Swedish Lapland and Northern Norway as a full-year, sustainable and high-quality destination. Some headlines are to strive for improving cross-border connections, international aviation connections to the region and developing of low seasons in the area.

– Thanks to the financiers and collaboration partners that allow us to take our joint work to the next level, Rauno Posio, Programme Director of Visit Arctic Europe.
The main objective is to contribute to increased profitability for the tourism industry, thereby creating new opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in the Arctic Europe. The aim is an increase of 10% in guest nights from selected market areas and
seasons, creating full-year activities.

– We are so glad that we can continue the fruitful cross-border work together with our partners in Northern Finland and Northern Norway, that we are given the opportunity in progressing together,” says Petronella Modin, Tf. Managing Director of the Swedish Lapland Visitors Board.

Contact information:
Finnish Lapland Tourist Board
Rauno Posio,
project director Visit Arctic Europe II
+358 (0)40 653 9900

Swedish Lapland Visitors Board
Annika Fredriksson, CEO
+46 70 512 23 46

Northern Norway Tourist Board
Trond Øverås, Managing Director
+47 901 77 500

Interreg Nord
Iiris Mäntyranta
+46 (0)10-225 53 76

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